
You may already know that we carry a broad range of gaskets and seals, but do you know that we also produce plastic and rubber prototypes?

Even though we have produced prototypes for almost 30 years, we still come across customers who express surprise when we tell them that we also produce prototypes made of either plastic or rubber. 

30 years’ experience of prototype production

Over the years, we have helped many large Danish and foreign companies by producing prototypes as part of product development processes. When we produce prototypes, we also offer advice about opportunities to optimise them so that, ultimately, the customer can optimise serial production.

Comprehensive experience and expertise

We have a wealth of experience and expertise and can help with everything from technical issues related to your application and the best choice of materials to producing the prototype itself. 

When the prototype is ready, we can also help you to develop a commercial solution.


30 års erfaring med fremstilling af prototyper

I årenes løb har vi hjulpet en række store danske og udenlandske virksomheder med at fremstille protyper i forbindelse med deres produktudvikling. Ved prototypefremstilling vejleder vi gerne om optimeringsmuligheder, så kunden på længere sigt kan opnå en optimal serieproduktion.

Stor viden og knowhow

Vi har viden og erfaring til at hjælpe med alt fra anvendelsestekniske spørgsmål og materialevalg til fremstilling af selve prototypen.

Når den endelige protype er klar, hjælper vi også gerne med at udarbejde en kommerciel løsning.

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