ISO 9001:2015 – signed, sealed and delivered!

We recently received our long-awaited ISO 9001:2015 certificate that ensures our customers that we operate quality management systems that meet the highest international standards.

We have worked in accordance with applicable standards for many years, but, in 2021-22, we went one step further and allocated time and resources to the ISO 9001 certification process.


We reached an historic milestone on 29 June 2022: Carsten Holm A/S was awarded certification according to the internationally recognised quality management standard, ISO 9001:2015.

This is one in a series of steps that will ensure that Carsten Holm A/S remains an attractive supplier of sales and gaskets. Achieving this internationally recognised quality certificate is ultimate proof that Carsten Holm A/S is a business well run and that we manage our processes and supply solutions that meet the highest standards, ISO-9001 certification is of great significance to customers in Denmark and abroad, as it is an unequivocal quality stamp that optimises their sense of security in their work with us and saves both time and effort.


Intensive, educational process

The certification process itself was an intensive and educational process. We reviewed, assessed and, where necessary, adjusted all our systems, processes and procedures – and finally described them in detail to ensure that we are always in a position to document compliance with them.

At Carsten Holm, we have more than 120,000 items and, as a product can be subject to many different processes between incoming goods and shipping, the certification process was comprehensive. Every process and procedure had to be described, and, in an effort to identify and eliminate errors, we used statistical data to calculate every error type.

The COVID-19 pandemic complicated this demanding process but by working together, we succeeded at last to complete every phase, including the final audit, which was successful at first attempt. Everyone at the company rejoiced when we received approval from the Norwegian/German quality assurance company, DNV GL.

Quality management is also good for business

While certification costs time and money, it is also an investment, and the benefits are already apparent. Effective quality management is the path to lower costs – because it helps, not least, to minimise waste.


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